Acupuncture Treatment of 110 Cases of Pain Induced by African Pernicious Malaria 针刺治疗非洲恶性疟疾致疼痛110例
Driving on the Yunnan-Burma Road, everybody must overcome the four dangers of miasmas and pernicious malaria, heavy rain and mud, dangerous road conditions and air raids by Japanese planes. 在滇缅公路上行丰,人人都必须闯过四道“鬼门关”:瘴疟关、水泥泞关、路和险情关、机轰炸关。
Clinical characteristics and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with pernicious malaria 肺结核合并恶性疟疾的临床特点与治疗分析
Clinically, it is approved for the treatment of pernicious malaria and has an excellent efficacy. 临床上主要用于恶性疟疾的治疗,且疗效显著。